Start Right, Start With God - Pt. 3
Rev. Osei Kwabena Nkrahene | January 3 2025 | Joshua 3:1-17
¹¹ Behold, the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all earth is passing over before you into the Jordan. ¹³ And when the soles of the feet of the priests bearing the ark of the LORD, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off from flowing, and the waters coming down from above shall stand in one heap. Joshua 3:11 & 13 (ESV)
MESSAGE: The Jordan River was the last hurdle before God's people could enter the long-promised land. At times, I wonder why God chooses tough nuts to crack. At the onset, it was the Red Sea; now, as verse 15 describes, the Jordan was overflowing all its banks. But who can fault the Lord of all the earth?
Hebrews 9:4 reveals the powerful symbolism of the ark of the covenant, which contained:
The tablets of the Word of God;
The rod of Aaron that budded with almonds and
A jar of manna.
The story's narration shows that these three symbols reflect God’s miraculous power, provision, and presence. As verse 13 highlights, the God who provided manna and performed miracles can always do the extraordinary. We also learn about the value of obedience. The designated priests carried the Ark of the Covenant, and the people kept the required distance, following God’s precise instructions. Another essential lesson from the passage is the importance of leadership. When we journey as a group, leadership becomes critical (Numbers 17). The priest provided the necessary direction and encouragement and demonstrated faith by stepping into the river first. They also sacrificed by standing in the middle of the Jordan until everyone had safely crossed. True leaders sacrifice for the greater good, and obedience brings breakthroughs. With God’s presence, every challenge can be overcome.
In 2025 and beyond, we must remind ourselves that we have the God of creation and salvation with us, even in challenging situations. We must also acknowledge and live with the belief that obedience to God's word has immense benefits. Designated ministries and leadership are crucial for group journeys. PRAYER:
Lord Jesus, help us to be faithful to Your word and our blessings. Lord, help leaders at all levels to be authentic, diligent, courageous, and sacrificial. Amen.
The 365 DAILY BIBLE READING Day 3: Genesis 4-5 — Cain and Abel, the Generations of Adam
DAILY word study: REST The Hebrew word for "rest"(nuach) means to settle down, remain, or dwell. It carries the idea of stopping activity to experience calm and stability.
In Joshua 3:13, "rest" describes the act of the priests standing firm as their feet touched the waters of the overflowing Jordan River. Their obedience and faith allowed God’s miraculous power to create a path through the waters. Theologically, nuach reflects the assurance of God’s presence, reminding believers to rely on Him as they face daunting obstacles. This rest is not inactivity but a steady trust in God's provision and power.
Where do you need to plant your feet and trust God to work? What obstacles in your life require you to rest in His presence and power?