What is your heart condition
Rev. Charles Oppong-Poku | April 22, 2023 | Matthew 12:31-37

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. Matthew 12:35
Here Jesus continues to teach about the truth of what is in the heart. We are condemned or saved by what comes out of our mouths, not by our actions. The Scribes and the Pharisees have been plotting to kill and seeking to discredit Him with senseless questions and accusations. They were self-made men, not chosen by God, but made “godly” by themselves in other men’s eyes. They were a sort of religious leaders addicted to their lies.
Now Jesus appears on their street corner and starts teaching something new and the people are responding to it. It threatened the very core of what they had spent so much time setting up. They were so blinded by their desire to hold on to this façade that they plotted murder to keep it. Jesus sees right through the lies and goes straight to the heart. He identifies the very problem that they do not realize or would never admit to having: a heart problem. They thought that whatever other people see is what made them holy. They never thought that what God sees them do is what makes them holy. The problem is that God can see the heart, and they had forgotten to let that change them. They, in essence, are trying to “fool” God, but that is not possible.
So, Jesus explains to them that a good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. He even gave them an opportunity to understand that there was hope for them as well. Although they blasphemed against the Son of Man (plotted His murder and sought to discredit him), they could still be forgiven, it is only the heart change against the Holy Spirit that cannot be undone because it sticks. Finally, He gave a warning. He reminded them that this heart matter is important and determines where they would stand on judgement day.
The heart refers to the innermost part of our being, including our thoughts, feelings, and desires. Jesus emphasizes that the condition of a person’s heart determines the fruit he or she produces and the words they speak. A good heart will always produce good fruit and speak words of life, but a corrupt heart is full of pride, greed, envy and bitterness. As we reflect on this passage, we are challenged to examine the condition of our hearts daily. Why do you go to church? Why do you read your bible? Do you want to be used by God? then be careful that your heart does not get in the way.
Dear Lord, please give me a changed heart. Make me more like you. I do not want to be a hypocrite, help me to be genuine. Give me a new hear heart that will produce good fruit and speak words that will bring blessing to those who hear me. Today I give you my life to use as you see fit. I thank you in Jesus’ name. Amen!